We are looking for

Job category
  • All jobs
  • Education (5)
  • Specialists (1)

Welds together

Your benefits

Attractive salary

We offer a performance-related, competitive salary and review this regularly to ensure a fair and motivating working environment.

Job wheel

Balancing your job is important, how about cycling?

Every employee has the opportunity to lease a bike with Job Rad.


Going to the gym after work? We offer our employees discounted or free fitness at a wide network of gyms.

Retirement provision

We focus on financial security for our employees - even in retirement - through a company pension scheme that supplements state pensions and guarantees a stable income.

Fuel voucher

We offer attractive employee benefits for everyday life, such as monthly fuel vouchers to promote mobility, reduce commuting costs and express our thanks for their commitment.

Grill & Chill Area

We promote relaxation and team building with our Grill & Chill Area, where employees can barbecue in good weather, relax and leave the daily grind behind them.


We are a family business and in a family, people look out for each other. Our employees have never had to worry about their job or their salary.

Capital-forming benefits

The classic benefit. We are happy to support you with building society savings, fund savings or your Riester pension with a monthly employer subsidy.

Recreational vacation

With us, every employee has 30 days' vacation.

Work clothes

We provide suitable work clothing that ensures the comfort and safety of our employees - a sign of our care and appreciation for their well-being and professionalism.

Assembly surcharges

We cover all expenses and allowances on business trips so that our employees can concentrate on their tasks without having to worry about additional costs.

Bonus payments

We reward the commitment of our employees with profit-sharing schemes such as Christmas and vacation bonuses in order to strengthen their loyalty and motivation as important partners in the company's success.

Average age
Years average
Length of service
Company events
in the year

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